EJA em foco (Youth and Adult Education in focus)


EJA em Foco is a training project for educators and managers focused on Youth and Adult Education (EJA).

We consider it essential that curricula be produced and educators be trained to create work proposals capable of meeting the personal, social and educational demands of the individuals in their locality, breaking with the practices established in the schools aimed at children and adolescents.

Our view is that the expansion of human rights and lifelong education, which seeks to build formative paths that take into account the specificities of young and adult individuals who have experienced rich personal and professional trajectories.

The course “Fundamentos da EJA” (Fundamentals of EJA) consists of 16 hours in the classroom and 16 hours via distance learning, while the course “Pensando a sala de aula” (Thinking about the classroom), which aims to deepen the work by areas of knowledge, consists of 20 hours in the classroom and 20 hours via distance learning. Both are meant for educators and teachers. Aimed at managers, the course “Qualidade e gestão democrática na EJA” (Quality and democratic management in EJA) works on specific management aspects for Youth and Adult Education (EJA).