Tô no Rumo (I’m on the path)


Tô no Rumo consists of a methodology that aims to provide information on the paths of continuity of studies and professional insertion to the young people who have finished high school.

This initiative proposes to reflect on the educational reality, access to higher and technical education and the world of work in contemporary Brazil, addressing different dimensions (cultural, social, economic) that affect the processes of choice and educational and professional insertion of young people.

The project, built in dialogue with students and educators over the years, currently works with teacher training, who carries out professional orientation activities in the classroom.

Since 2013 we have operated in the municipalities of São Paulo and Santo André. We have trained more than 150 teachers in university extension courses held in partnership with the Federal University of ABC and the workshops were taken to about 25 schools. Over 3,000 young people accessed information and were able to reflect on their professional choice, training and insertion in the world of work. In 2014, we consolidated the methodology in the publication “Guia Tô no Rumo – Jovens e Escolha Profissional” (Tô no Rumo Guide – Youth and Professional Choice), aimed at educators with interest in developing work in this field.