De Olho nos Planos (An Eye on the Plans)


The initiative Olho nos Planos aims to promote popular participation in the construction and monitoring of Education Plans.

In order to stimulate effective participatory processes, the initiative is composed of several actions, materials and a portal on the Internet. It intends to help managers to think about the participation of civil society as a whole in the democratic management of their administrations, as well as in its instances of social control.

The materials were developed to support the society with information, proposals and methodologies that promote and sustain participatory processes committed to strengthening democratic management in education.

In addition to Ação Educativa, the Campanha Nacional pelo Direito à Educação (National Campaign for the Right to Education), the União dos Conselhos Municipais de Educação (Union of Municipal Education Councils – UNCME), the União Nacional dos Dirigentes Municipais de Educação (National Union of Municipal Education Directors – Undime), the a Associação Nacional de Política e Administração Educacional (National Association of Educational Policy and Administration – ANPAE) , the Fórum Nacional dos Conselhos Estaduais de Educação (National Forum of State Education Councils – FNCE), with support from Instituto C&A and UNICEF.