Futebol de rua (Street football)


In partnership with FuDe (Fundacion Futbol para El Desarollo) – with the support and mediation of Terre Des Hommes –, Ação Educativa started in 2013 a process of implementation and expansion of the “Fútbol Callejero” (street football) methodology in the outskirts of São Paulo, along with social movements and organizations that act directly to guarantee human rights. Throughout the first years, we realized the World Championship of Street Football and the Brazilian delegations took part in the Street Football American Cup.

Lines of action

In order to expand the methodology of Fútbol Callejero to other groups, it was necessary to consolidate a network in which young leaders who already act as sports mediators could strengthen this practice. Then it was created the Rede Paulista de Futebol de Rua (São Paulo State Street Football Network), formed by several segments that work with the rights of children, adolescents and youth.

To broaden the debate on football and human rights, we also conceived the Encontro Futebol e Cultura (Football and Culture Meeting), an initiative that seeks to promote a supportive and collaborative practice of this sport in Brazil. From this milestone emerges the Rede Brasileira de Futebol e Cultura (Brazilian Network of Football and Culture), an articulation responsible for problematizing this theme.